Breeze definition , a wind or current of air, especially a light or moderate one. English dictionary definition of breeze. How to use breeze in a sentence. The definition of a breeze is a gentle wind or something that is easy to do. When the wind blows gently, this is an example of a breeze.
Definition of breeze in the Idioms Dictionary. What does breeze expression mean? Breeze in definition , a wind or current of air, especially a light or moderate one. The land breeze will die once the land warms up again the next morning. Another breeze of wind blew past them, unusually cold for this time of the year.
It was a beautiful day with the breeze of the wind blowing softly in her ear and the clouds floating softly by. There was a cold breeze as the chilly wind blew in through the open door. Invited into a back room, I shot the breeze with a married couple who said they ran the place. A gentle breeze was blowing against my face.
After being an office manager for people, handling my own tiny staff of three is a breeze ! Making the pastry is a breeze if you have a food processor. Meaning of breeze as a legal term. View the pronunciation for breeze. Information and translations of breeze in the most comprehensive. The air pressure over the water is higher with cold dense air, which moves to occupy the space created over the land.
The cool air that comes along is called a sea breeze. In the night, the reverse happens. The land quickly loses its’ heat whiles the water retains its’ warmth.

A breeze is a light, cool wind. One of the nicest things about being at the beach on a hot summer day is feeling the gentle breeze off the water. If you breeze through something such as a game or test, you cope with it easily. This Slang page is designed to explain what the meaning of breeze is. Online Slang Dictionary.
Synonyms for breeze at Thesaurus. Find descriptive alternatives for breeze. Coal coke breeze is an important carbonaceous backfill material in cathodic protection. Coke breeze offers a backfill solution since it can be compacted by and offers the best conductivity at moisture levels between and.

The second set was a breeze for Clement. A cool breeze blew in off the sea. A mild breeze was picking up, offsetting the heavy blanket of sunshine that settled on. A land breeze is a local nighttime and early morning wind that occurs along coasts and blows offshore (from the land out to sea). It arises at sunset when the sea surface is warmer than the adjacent land due to the land cooling off faster and having a lower heat capacity , and continues into the early morning hours until the heating of the day begins.
The flag that braved a thousand years the battle and the breeze is our flag, the glorious and supreme emblem, the banner of our liberty, and we will never give it up until the last Canadian who could carry a gun is dead. Idle chit-chat, mostly done to be polite and to occupy time. Edwar now again triumphant, by.
Politically Correct version of Shoot the Shit.
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