RODECA Building Elements offer diverse applications. Rodeca translucent facades and roofs Products Translucent Building Elements Technical Data. Rodeca are market leaders in the innovative design of polycarbonate translucent panels for façade, roof and interiors. DecoColor means that one outer layer is differently coloured than inside layers. In this version one outer layer is coloured in Heatbloc S and the remaining six inner layers are coloured in opal.

Unique is the reinforced fastener groove whereby the panel in. Tilleggsfunksjoner som bl. Rodeca er et komplett fasadesystem av kanalplast med tilhørende profiler,.
PC kan innfarges i en rekke ulike farger, men de vanligste er klar, opal og røyk. Rodeca GmbH hat sich als Produzent für lichtdurchlässige Fassaden- und Dachsysteme international einen Namen gemacht. Mit unserem Firmensitz in Mülheim an der Ruhr und Produktionsstätten in Deutschlan Brasilien und Italien exportieren wir in mehr als Länder weltweit.
Aufgrund der unterschiedlichen Eigenschaften der Paneele eignen sich die RODECA Lichtbauelemente für verschiedenste Projekte. Platene som er standard UV-stabile på en side men kan leveres med UV-beskyttelse i alle sjkt. Rodeca 40mm thick panels with proven groove and tongue connection are 500mm wide.
They differ from number of layers which has significant influence onto the U-value of the panel. The perimeter frame profiles are available thermally broken and non-thermally broken. COLOUR The panels are completely pigmented with one colour. Choosing a Backup Generator Plus LEGAL House Connection Options - Transfer Switch and More - Duration: 12:39.
SISTEMAS DE POLICARBONATO RODECA GmbH. Opal materiales plásticos singulares cierra un acuerdo de distribución para España con Rodeca GmbH, fabricante alemán de placas de policarbonato especializado en sistemas modulares con un claro enfoque a la arquitectura y diseño. Today, RODECA is the market-leader for transparent building elements concerning the variety of products and complete systems. Italy ANSA Termoplastici S. United Kingdom RODECA Ltd.
Panele z poliwęglanu komorowego firmy Rodeca stanowią ciekawe i nowoczesne uzupełnienie oferty standardowych płyt komorowych. Systemy panelowe oraz panele poliwęglanowe Rodeca idealnie sprawdzają się także podczas budowy lekkich ścian działowych, szklarni, ogrodów zimowych, a także ekranów akustycznych. Ich głównym walorem jest tutaj podwyższona odporność na uszkodzenia, która znacząco obniża koszty związane z ewentualnymi naprawami. Contact a supplier or the parent company directly to get a quote or to find out a price or your closest point of sale. Numerous Colour Options.
Different combinations can be blended to achieve unique effects in colour and design. Rodeca offers years warranty (according to written warranty) to its uv-coextruded products regarding to yellowing index – ageing – hail Light transmission Customized on project demand RodeCa can produce products with light transmission from almost up to light transmission (depending on material thickness and number of layers). The new hall is 4meters long, meters wide and 12. The heights of the three individual areas are separated by traverse profiles.
Rodeca fasadsystem finns tillgängligt i flera olika färger vilket ger obegränsade möjligheter till kreativa lösningar. Panelfärgen, i kombination med paneltjockleken, ytbeläggning och antal celler, avgör graden av ljus- och värmetransmission. Polycarbonate (PC) panels - RODECA panel.
Clear, opal , Heatbloc reducing IR radiation, various colors on request.
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